Alarm & CCTV Monitoring and Response Software

Patriot is the most advanced Central Station Software package available incorporating the latest software technologies to deliver an extensive and seamless alarm automation system that offers power, flexibility, reliability and ease of use. Patriot's development team responds rapidly to market requirements, providing a package that is both stable and evolving its feature set.

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central station software

  • Patriot 6.12

    Get Patriot 6.12 now - Upgrade to Patriot 6.12 now and take advantage of the performance enhancements, new features and security updates.

    View the Patriot news page

    Contact Sales to Upgrade or Purchase Patriot 6.12

  • CCTV Monitoring

    Patriot CCTV Monitoring allows you to dual monitor Alarm Panels and CCTV Systems or monitor alarm events such as line crossing, Analytics or basic Motion detection from the camera system. The Patriot CATCHIT provides advanced monitoring of your sites and a value added service for your station to generate additional revenue.

    Show me more about Patriot CCTV Monitoring

  • Dispatch & Patrols

    Patrol Dispatch allows you to utilize up to 5 powerful dispatch systems to have activations attended quickly by Response Teams.

    Show me more about Patriot Dispatch

    Patrol Plink APP provides unparalleled communication and options between your station and Patrol Response Teams.

    Show me more about Plink Patrol APP

Customize to fit your requirements

Why Patriot?

What Our Customers Say

Getting Started

Starting a Monitoring Station

Patriot Systems alarm montioring and response software can run on a Windows PC, connect with all major alarm receivers and is cost effective solution for start up station or small monitoring stations. With the flexible license system Patriot grows with your station allowing you to increase account limits and add additional modules to provide value added services to your users. Patriot Lite is used by resorts, gated communities, zoo's, government facilities, utility stations and many more small scale inhouse monitoring scenarios.

  • Start Up Alarm and Camera Monitoring Stations
  • Gated Communities , Universities and Zoos
  • Air Force / Military Bases & Government Facilities

Start up a Patriot Station

Starting a Station

Switching to Patriot

Switching to Patriot

The Patriot team can assist with coping over the data from your current monitoring package to Patriot allowing you station to switch over to Patriot while keeping all your customer details and other relevant data. Patriot has succesffuly upgraded many stations to Patriot and has development tools to migrate stations from ADSW, CAMS, SIMS, BOLD and many more packages.

  • Proven tools to migrate your data from your current software
  • Dual Monitor Patriot with your current software during the Migration
  • Utilize Patriot advanced modules to offer value added services to your customers

Switching to Patriot

Patriot security alarm and camera partners

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials help new operators get an understanding of Patriot and advanced operators pick up time saving tips and tricks.

Patriot Videos

Library Documentation:

View our full documentation library through the link below

Patriot Documentation Library

About Us:

Patriot Systems develops and markets industry leading Security Alarm Monitoring Automation software. The company was established in 1997, although development of the software began four years prior. Today, Patriot is recognised as a world leader in Alarm Monitoring Software.

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United Kingdom: +44 (0) 161 7381301

Australia: +61 (0) 7 3088 4925

New Zealand: +64 (0) 9 974 4691

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